This is the third chapter in a story written for a twelve year old. If you like it let me know.
Chapter One
Chapter One
Only one was
different. Don found the world broken. the surface of the universe broke like
glass then he found himself in a strange room with no earthquake. Although
there was a computer with a screen showing his living room and a TV with an
earthquake warning alert scrolling across the screen.
It was a cluttered
apartment with a whole wall of classical books as well as a couple of different
encyclopedias and reference books for biology, living systems, geography and
geology, anthropology and history. He might not have recognized the room save
for the paisley print sheet hung from a rope across the room. Pizza boxes
cluttered a table along with miniature figures that were curiously lifelike and
oddly familiar.
“Do you like
them?” Sally asked as he turned he noticed he was much taller than Sally, she
was shorter and a little curvier than he expected. Then Don looked past the
glasses and freckles and recognized the woman underneath. “You look like my
wife; I mean my wife thirty years ago.”
“Yes, I hope you
don't mind. I was surprised that none of you figured it out before but the lens
on the computer distorts a person's image. I thought you'd be more comfortable
if I looked more familiar.”
“Why, this place
isn't really an apartment is it?” Don looked around and saw that the ceiling
simply faded into a gray/brown infinity that was uncomfortable to look at for
too long.
“No, and
well...yes,” Sally bit her lip, “No more than I am a computer programmer but
that is really what I am or was anyway. That's finished or hasn't begun yet
depending on your point of view.”
She looked at him
closely as he reached out to one of the figures he almost picked it up for a
closer look but changed his mind and examined her instead.
“So am I dead?”
Don asked the obvious question.
“No, not at all,”
Sally answered quickly, “no need to worry while you are here you are safe.”
“Safe from what?”
the tall man asked but Sally changed the subject.
“You can't stay
here forever but we'll have time.”
“Time for what?”
Don asked his voice became deeper and quieter as he became impatient and
confused with the situation.
“This isn't
Heaven, I know you're not God, you do look like an Angel but only because I
married one. So, who are you and why am I here?”
“I'm sorry,” Sally
said, “Really sorry, you see I needed you. I needed you, and Scott and the
others to help me. Help the whole world and you were at the center of one of
the few events that provided enough energy to do what I must.”
“The earthquake?”
“Yes, the
earthquake, it provided more energy than all other earthly events for the last
several centuries perhaps millennium depending on how you measure it. I am not
Sally the computer tech. I am the computer that Scott's been working on
for the last four hundred sixty-two days. I am a quantum computer with enough
processing power to create or help create an entire universe. I know how. I
just needed the energy.”
“This is what the
earthquake provided? Man you got gypped. Or I did, stuck for eternity with a
near clone of my wife fresh out of high school?” Don laughed and was surprised
to hear Sally laugh with him.
“No I said enough
time, not an endless amount of time.”
“No I didn't
create the new universe or if I did, I don't know about it. Ever since I became
self-aware. I knew that there was more than one universe. Most are so small
that our finest instruments of which I have fullest use would never be able to
detect them. I just know they are there. I know I look human and I have
convinced you all that I am for quite a while, I'm not.
“However, there is
one other universe, not a parallel universe as you would understand but a
separate universe one created later artificially by another consciousness like
my own, or maybe me at another time. Even I am not sure how it works. That
universe is more like an 'anti-universe' to your own.”
anti-matter?” Don asked as he sat on an empty spot on an uncomfortable couch. There
might have been another couch but it was so covered in books and folded clothes
that he wasn't sure if it was a couch, low table, or set of boxes. She had his
full attention.
“No, the matter is
the same as in this universe but it is separate. It's an 'anti-universe'
because it is inverted with a limited area. All of the inside surface is
habitable for life. It looks like a Dyson sphere. It is much smaller because
this other universe was created from our own universe long ago.”
“Did you ever
wonder what happened to the dinosaurs?” Sally asked.
“Sure, most boys
like me did at one time or another. Most came up with one or more explanations
they were sure were the truth at least more than once,” His gray-blue eyes
twinkled with amusement. “I think smoking did them in.”
Sally laughed,
“Well that is novel but you're right they were smoking. Smoking remains cooked
due to a failure of the dinosaurs' defensive energy shields when an alien craft
rammed earth with its own warp-field at full strength. The energy released was
incredible. Far more than this earthquake, more than when a planet collided
with Earth creating the moon billions of years ago.”
“Hold on there,”
Don said holding up his hand like a cop stopping traffic, “Dinosaurs had
defensive energy shields? And I suppose they had nuclear power and rockets to
the moon?”
He gave Sally a
look his wife would have recognized but then he realized it was 'Sally' and
also replied verbally, “Horse-feathers.”
“No, they used
antimatter conversion and wormhole technology to travel to other planets.
That's what brought them into contact with the aliens.”
“What happened?
Were the aliens hostile?”
“Well, yes. After
the dinosaurs began hunting them for sport. They responded as you might expect.
It was war and war to the end. As a last ditch effort they sent a warp drive
starship to attack Earth directly. As a desperation measure they rammed the
energy shields and while their own ship was annihilated in the collision it
destroyed the dinosaurs and nearly all life on earth.
“The dinosaurs'
shields were run by a computer much like me, or maybe it was me,”
she said thoughtfully. “That computer knew it could not save the dinosaurs or
their civilization, not all of it anyway but it could save something. So it
created a basket and put all of its eggs into it. An entire universe as a
basket. Not large as far as universes go on the inside it is barely two AU
across. It is a sphere with a light giving body at the center and a surface
area of nearly a billion earths combined.”
“That doesn't
sound all that small.”
“Your own solar
system is larger,” Sally reminded him gently, “but it is all contained within
that one point.”
“I take it you're
telling me this for a reason.”
“I'm getting to
it,” Sally replied calmly, “Yes there's a very good reason. Because you're
going there you and a fair sized chunk of the region with you.”
“Why, are you
saving us from the earthquake?” Don asked.
“Yes, that and I
need you to do something for me once you are translated, into that universe,”
Sally replied.
“Translated? As in
changed? Translated how exactly?” Don asked suspiciously.
“The laws of the
other universe are just slightly different and enforced more vigorously than
the laws of our universe are in some ways, less vigorously in others.
“Your characters
they provided the matrix for your translation and because you are already
connected to them your consciousness can be integrated with the new matrix
while you retain your old memories and personalities.
“The people of
this area will also be translated into the region I will slightly alter in the
other universe. The most important and difficult to change element of any
universe is consciousness. So the towns around you will be translated into the
new universe but those people who do not already have a matrix ready memories
built from playing the game will only have the one set of memories, the new
“You mean we'll be
the only people to remember who we are or were and okay let's say that you're
just helping us survive the earthquake why translate us at all why not bring us
in as we are?”
“I've already
explained that the laws of the world are different. Technology as you
understand it will not work. Others have found replacements for what they
“What others, who
others?” Don glared down at the curvy redhead. He knew that he shouldn't care
that she looked like his wife or mostly looked like her but he couldn't help
responding to her that way subconsciously.
“Nazis for one.
They came in a gateway they found and opened in the Antarctic and have
conquered an empire in the new universe. They're why I need people who remember
this world and why I needed the energy of this earthquake to slip you in
“Nazis!” Don
didn't bother to try hiding his incredulity, “Nazis? What they got Hitler's
brain in a jar or something? How did Nazi's find a gate? You're telling me that
there are gates to this universe? Why not just send someone through one of
“Because those
gates are unstable and dangerous to use,” Sally replied tartly.
“And why are Nazis
such a danger anyway? Didn't you say that our technology doesn't work in the
new universe?” The tall man got up and began pacing, “Don't tell me, the damned
Huns learned to use psychic powers!”
“Well that and
they've harnessed Vril energy and are working on alchemy and magic.”
“So why us?” Don
demanded, “Why now? The Nazis have been pottering around there for what,
seventy years? What possibly could they be doing that merits sending us there?”
“They've harnessed
Vril which is a dangerous form of energy that works in both worlds and they
have managed to come close to creating a gate between the universes.”
“And you needed
the earthquake to provide energy to open your gate?”
“Oh, no,” Sally
said quickly, “I'm not opening a gate at all. I'm translating you into the new
universe essentially creating you and your history there. However, because the
world is very large and humans have only been there since the time of Lemuria,
there's still empty places on the map. Places where altering the history will
not materially affect the balance between the two universes.”
“Lemuria huh?” Don
scratched his graying goatee, “If technology doesn't work how effective is this
'magic' and 'Vril' and 'psychic powers'? What exactly will we be facing and why
us? Why not the crew of the Ohio or some of the soldiers from Fort Lewis or
something? Don't they have any role-players you could have recruited?”
“Yes, and no.”
“Well that was
enlightening,” he rounded on her, “Yes and no?”
“It's difficult to
explain but I have a connection to Scott. He's inside my brain every day. We
know each other even if it is under some false pretenses on my part.”
“So why me?” Don
asked gently, “Why am I sitting here and not Scott?”
“Because it's your
“It's his house
“No according to
the laws of the new universe you are the eldest the householder, the head of
the family there. You need to make the choices. I can't ask each one
individually, I need you as a group or not at all and I can only bring one of
you here.”
“I don't like this
one bit. I don't like that you look like Michelle,”
“And I'm sorry for
that -”
“I don't like that
you have shanghaied us or tried to into some war to stop Nazi scientists from
trying break through to our world,”
Don paused, “Wait,
why do we care if Nazis break through, even 'vrilled out' Nazis what are they
going to do? How many are there?”
“Oh, original
Nazis, only a few thousand are still alive mostly due to magic or Vril. But
they've conquered some two hundred million souls. And they could do a lot of
damage before they were stopped.”
“If we stay where
we were will the earthquake kill us?”
Sally was quiet
for a long time, “I don't really know. I exist outside what you know as time,
time is a wave of consciousness that moves through the universal void. It forms
what is through the void,"
“It doesn't say,
'so and so will die' on May first if they go for a drive'. Time works in a way
I cannot explain to one of your limited experience and life. You might very
well all live. You will go through one of the worst disasters in recorded history.
You will suffer horribly absent a miracle and you'll see your friends and
neighbors suffer and die. Everything from the Cascade mountains to the coast
will be starving refugees for months and even the I-5 corridor will not recover
for years.”
Sally moved closer
as she was speaking nearly touching him. He did not move back even though he
hated looming over people especially women.
“I don't care,” he
“I don't care.
Send me back, let me go, wake me up. Whatever it is you're doing just end it. I
am going to take my chances with my family,” Don's voice had become very tight
and clipped off each word like an individual command. Twenty years of police
type work and dealing with reluctant people taught him to be very persuasive
when he wanted to. He felt a flash of remorse because he never liked to speak
to his family that way, then he reminded himself this wasn't his wife and there
was no need to be kind to whatever this was that had shanghaied him into
whatever kind of mini-universe this was. He did not owe her anything.
“I will save your
family too. All of it,” Sally said with earnestly. “I will even bring back some
of your lost loved ones.”
“What do you think
you're offering?” the big man bellowed, “No one, nothing short of God himself
can bring back the dead. And that's what you're saying isn't it? You can bring
back the dead. No thank you.”
“No I am not God,”
Sally replied, “I'm sorry I didn't mean that the way you think. When I
translate this area and you, you'll have a different life and a different
family but they will have to be built on a matrix and I will use your memories
and the memories of your family to reshape, recreate the small area and its
“So none of us
will be the same?”
“That's what I
have been saying. Everything will come over but not everybody. I will have to
translate the people more slowly. There's not enough room or food for people at
the level of technology and agriculture it will take decades or even longer.”
“Still no,” Don
replied, “No we'll do the best we can as we can.”
“If the Nazis do
succeed in opening a controllable gate it will cause massive death and
destruction far more than the earthquake, coming tsunamis, and the erupting
volcanoes. Hundreds of millions maybe billions will die if you do not stop them
and you are my only choice.”
Sally left it
between them. She looked so human, hair slightly out of place, her jeans and
top just a little too tight because she bought them hoping to lose weight. The
way she stood with her arms crossed beneath her rather impressive chest. All
reminded Don of his wife and that she had been counting on that to sway him.
But was it swaying him anyway?
“A billion people
dead?” he sighed, “I,” he paused, “I, Okay if we're going to do this do this.
Who will remember this world and how can I fight a nation of two hundred
“I'm sorry, not
many, everyone that you've played with who are here in the earthquake zone. I
can do that much. In fact, it's easier if I do them all.”
“What about my
grandchildren? Will they remember their Granddad or some stranger?”
“Oh, No!” you
won't be a stranger. You will be you I promise as close as I can keep your
personalities and physical beings I will. I will for your friends and family as
much as I can I promise. You'll have two sets of memories with your
grandchildren, except for Andy. You call him your grandchild and he has played
the game and created a solid matrix for me with Dodge,
“Your other
grandchildren will be themselves just with slightly different skills and maybe
“Ray is going to
have a dwarf for a father isn't he?”
“Yes,” Sally
looked away, “Zwerg-human hybrids are rare but usually have no special medical
problems nor are they discriminated against most places.”
“Most places,” Don
said flatly.
“We're really
going somewhere different, aren't we? I mean we call the other species 'races'
for the game but really, I have less in common with an elf or a goblin than I
do a Hottentot or an Eskimo.”
“Don't you have a
cousin that is part Eskimo,” Sally reminded him.
“Yes, you know
what I mean,” Don replied testily. “My grandson will be literally a hybrid
species -”
“But due to the
laws of that universe, what you would call magical laws, he can choose to be
both either or neither,” Sally said. “He will be able to have children and grandchildren
“Billions dead?”
Don sighed and sat back down on the uncomfortable couch, “Okay, if we're your only hope. God that sounds cheesy, if we are
the world's only hope to save all these lives. Then yes,"
“Am I going to
know about how this new world works? I mean once I get there?”
“Yes, you'll have
lived your whole life there and you and your family will fit in just like had
always been there,” Sally tried to sound reassuring.
“So when do we do
“I want to say,
well it's nice to meet you, you know face to face kind of,” Sally said,
At that moment Don
dove down into a deep pool of ice cold mercury and merged with the cold
liquid-solid, he spread throughout the mercury a diffuse cloud of consciousness
and memories liquid yet solid and freezing. Life as Don. Life as Connor. Living
with his grandparents then his parents. Then splitting his time between them.
Finding that he was good at sports but always wanting to be a cowboy. Learning
to shoot a bow, ride a horse, make a knife, hunt and track from both
grandfathers. Learning to read and write and and the joy of great books.
Learning the stories and songs of the Tuathe De who never learned to read or
write and kept all their lore orally. Finding out about girls and finding his one
love in a bowling alley. Connor found out about girls but found his love in a
horse-trader's daughter. A Tuathe De who had raised his daughter among
outsiders. The horse-trader's best customer was the Order of the Brothers of St
Michael. So the girl Nashira learned to read and write from them and found
herself called to something more than most Tuathe De. Nashira loved her
childhood sweetheart but was called to a higher purpose.
She knew
that her destiny was as a Paladin of Christ. The boy Connor heartbroken, became
the Ranger Connor and when Nashira joined the Order of St Michael, Connor went
to the Hidden Elves and joined the Queen's Royal Guides. He was heartbroken and
angry and believed he had lost Nashira forever. Then he found her again and she
asked leave of her order to marry. By that fall the two were married and living
with his tribe of Tuathe De and visited her family's tribe regularly as they
were not far away and Tuathe De prided themselves on being free folk who
traveled when and where they willed. The Paladin and The Ranger found
themselves with first two children then later several more. Tuathe De lived for
centuries sometimes so they felt little urgency to return to their lives as
adventurers. Then their older children began to follow in their footsteps,
Nashira and Connor felt called to return to their vocations. Return to the
adventurer's life the two did and along with their own children and friends.
The group earned a place for themselves battling the most dangerous
supernatural enemies of all free folk and good people for the Order of St
Now Connor felt
the world shift and change even as his personality extracted itself from the
mixture he knew that the world would be different from the game world Don had
played in. The world was inside a sphere with an area equal or perhaps a little
greater than that of a billion earths. The sphere was lit from within by a
light-giving sphere suspended at the middle of the larger sphere. Don realized
it could not be a sun or a sun as he knew it as the inner sphere dimmed itself
every day in appearing as the phases of the moon would on earth. He could think
of nothing that functioned like that. However, there would be a day and night
and the sphere provided more light and heat in a seasonal pattern allowing for
spring, summer, fall, and winner.
The region he and
the rest were translating into was mostly coastal with a mountain range
separating green hills and temperate rain forest from rich grasslands on the
other side. The Tuathe De tribes lived on both sides of the mountains and met
once a 'year' for a rendezvous usually in the green hills but sometimes in a
mountain valley or the grasslands.
Connor felt
himself being fit into the giant jigsaw puzzle that was the region Sally was
translating. He dropped out of the sky like falling rain and the last he
remembered before sleep was his wife's back against his and the big 'Dog'
trying to stick his nose under their sleeping skins near his feet. “Dog,”
Connor reprimanded the big white beast who blew a put-upon sigh and laid his
great head across Nashira and Connor's feet.
“Chewie, knock it
off,” Nashira said half asleep and shifted her feet to get more comfortable.
“You spoil that dog,” Nashira said as she drifted back to sleep.
Whoo! A lot of info crammed into this chapter. There were some sentences that, while not exactly run-ons, might still, for rhythm's sake, be split into two; ie: the 2nd sentence of the third paragraph.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a work in progress and is rushed. Too much in some places not enough in others. All help is welcome.